木曽観測所関係 論文リスト 2018年

2018年に出版された木曽観測所に関連のある論文のリストです。 査読付き(Refereed)のものと査読無しのもの(Non-refereed)、 木曽のデータなどが使われているものと観測所メンバーが著者に入っているものを 区別してあります。ただし、木曽のデータが使われていて、なおかつ観測所メンバーが 著者に入っているものは「木曽のデータなどが使われているもの」にリストされています。 年度ではなく1〜12月を区切りとするリストで、たとえば2018年3月発表の学位論文も 2018年のものとカウントしています。

Refereed article (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. IceCube Collaboration, 1009 coauthors and Morokuma, T.
    "Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A
    Science, Volume 361, Issue 6398, id. eaat1378 (07/2018)

  2. Kokubo, M.
    "Constraints on accretion disk size in the massive type 1 quasar PG 2308+098 from optical continuum reverberation lags"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 5, id.97 (10/2018)

  3. Hasegawa, S.; Kuroda, D.; Kitazato, K.; Kasuga, T.; Sekiguchi, T.; Takato, N.; Aoki, K.; Arai, A.; Choi, Y.; Fuse, T.; Hanayama, H.; Hattori, T.; Hsiao, H.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawai, N.; Kawakami, K.; Kinoshita, D.; Larson, S.; Lin, C.; Miyasaka, S.; Miura, N.; Nagayama, S.; Nagumo, Y.; Nishihara, S.; Ohba, Y.; Ohta, K.; Ohyama, Y.; Okumura, S.; Sarugaku, Y.; Shimizu, Y.; Takagi, Y.; Takahashi, J.; Toda, H.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Watanabe, M.; Weissman, P.; Yanagisawa, K.; Yang, H.; Yoshida, M.; Yoshikawa, M.; Ishiguro, M.; Abe, M.
    "Physical properties of near-Earth asteroids with a low delta-v: Survey of target candidates for the Hayabusa2 mission"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 6, id.114 (12/2018)

Non-refereed article / 天文電報等 (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. Yamanaka, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Kawabata, M.; Kawahara, N.; Chogi, M.; Abe, T.; Kawabata, K.; Morokuma, T.; Itoh, R.; Murata, K.; Imai, M.; Takagi, S.; Takahashi, J.; Honda, S.; Ohshima, T.; Baar, S.; Takayama, M.; Saito, T.; Morihana, K.; Saito, Y.; Hanayama, H.; Maehara, H.; Sekiguchi, K.; Akitaya, H.; Nogami, D.; Nagayama, T.; Team OISTER
    "OISTER Follow-up Observations of the bright Type IIP supernova SN 2017eaw"
    American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id.#446.08 (01/2018)

  2. Nishihara, S.; Kitazato, K.; Abe, M.; Hasegawa, S.; Ishiguro, M.; Nonaka, H.; Ohba, Y.; Ozawa, T.; Sarugaku, Y.; Yadoumaru, Y.; Yoshizumi, C.; Okyudo, M.
    "Ground-based lightcurve observation campaign of (25143) Itokawa between 2001 and 2004"
    ASP Conference Series Forthcoming Volume "International Science Symposium On Sample Returns From Solar System Minor Bodies - The First Hayabusa Symposium", 20-24 October 2004, ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan (02/2018)

  3. Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Ichiki, M.; Maehara, H.; Morii, M.; Tanaka, M.
    "Detection of 10-msec scale optical flares in the black-hole binary candidate MAXI J1820+070 (ASASSN-18ey)"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11426 (03/2018)

  4. Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Takahashi, H.; Kojima, Y.; Doi, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Aoki, T.; Arima, N.; Arimatsu, K.; Ichiki, M.; Ikeda, S.; Inooka, K.; Ita, Y.; Kasuga, T.; Kokubo, M.; Konishi, M.; Maehara, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Mitsuda, K.; Miyata, T.; Mori, Y.; Morii, M.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Nakada, Y.; Okumura, S.; Sarugaku, Y.; Sato, M.; Shigeyama, T.; Soyano, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Tominaga, N.; Totani, T.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Watanabe, J.; Yamashita, T.; Yoshikawa, M.
    "The Tomo-e Gozen wide field CMOS camera for the Kiso Schmidt telescope"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107020J 17 pp. (07/2018)

  5. Kojima, Y.; Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Takahashi, H.; Doi, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Aoki, T.; Arima, N.; Arimatsu, K.; Ichiki, M.; Ikeda, S.; Inooka, K.; Ita, Y.; Kasuga, T.; Kokubo, M.; Konishi, M.; Maehara, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Mitsuda, K.; Miyata, T.; Mori, Y.; Morii, M.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Nakada, Y.; Okumura, S.; Sarugaku, Y.; Sato, M.; Shigeyama, T.; Soyano, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Tominaga, N.; Totani, T.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Watanabe, J.; Yamashita, T.; Yoshikawa, M.
    "Evaluation of large pixel CMOS image sensors for the Tomo-e Gozen wide field camera"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10709, id. 107091T 10 pp. (07/2018)

  6. Matsunaga, N.; KISOGP Team
    "A large-scale variability survey for the northern Galactic plane: KISOGP"
    Rediscovering our Galaxy, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 334, pp. 335-336 (08/2018)

学位論文等 (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. 一木 真
    東京大学 平成29年度 修士論文, 2018年3月

  2. 猪岡 皓太
    東京大学 平成29年度 修士論文, 2018年3月

  3. 千葉 督
    東京学芸大学教育学部 平成29年度 卒業論文, 2018年3月

  4. 平沼愛美、村田沙織
    日本女子大学理学部 平成29年度 卒業論文, 2018年3月

  5. 前野 華凜
    「星雲の色と輝線に着目した画像作成:画像アーカイブ・システムSMOKA、画像解析ソフトMakali`iを活用して 」
    和歌山大学 平成29年度 卒業論文, 2018年3月

Refereed (木曽観測所のメンバーが著者に含まれているもの)

  1. Gabányi, K. É.; Frey, S.; Paragi, Z.; Järvelä, E.; Morokuma, T.; An, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tar, I.
    "The radio structure of the peculiar narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy candidate J1100+4421"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 2, p.1554-1561 (01/2018)

  2. Onaka, T.; Nakamura, T.; Sakon, I.; Wu, R.; Ohsawa, R.; Kaneda, H.; Lebouteiller, V.; Roellig, T. L.
    "Near-infrared to Mid-infrared Observations of Galaxy Mergers: NGC 2782 and NGC 7727"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 31, 14 pp. (01/2018)

  3. Utsumi, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Yoshida, M.; Asakura, Y.; Finet, F.; Furusawa, H.; Kawabata, K. S.; Liu, W.; Matsubayashi, K.; Moritani, Y.; Motohara, K.; Nakata, F.; Ohta, K.; Terai, T.; Uemura, M.; Yasuda, N.;
    "A challenge to identify an optical counterpart of the gravitational wave event GW151226 with Hyper Suprime-Cam
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 1, id.1 (01/2018)

  4. Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; and 84 coauthors
    "Hyper Suprime-Cam: System design and verification of image quality"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, id.S1 (01/2018)

  5. Komiyama, Y.; Obuchi, Y.; Nakaya, H.; Kamata, Y.; Kawanomoto, S.; Utsumi, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Uraguchi, F.; Furusawa, H.; Morokuma, T.; Uchida, T.; Miyatake, H.; Mineo, S.; Fujimori, H.; Aihara, H.; Karoji, H.; Gunn, J. E.; Wang, S.
    "Hyper Suprime-Cam: Camera dewar design"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, id.S2 (01/2018)

  6. Aihara, H.; Morokuma, T.; and 142 coauthors
    "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and survey design"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, id.S4 (01/2018)

  7. Aihara, H.; Morokuma, T.; and 108 coauthors
    "First data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, id.S8 (01/2018)

  8. Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Iwasawa, K.; Strauss, M. A.; Nagao, T.; Imanishi, M.; Lee, C.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Foucaud, S.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.
    "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z ≤ 6.8""
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, id.S35 (01/2018)

  9. Taniguchi, D.; Matsunaga, N.; Kobayashi, N.; Fukue, K.; Hamano, S.; Ikeda, Y.; Kawakita, H.; Kondo, S.; Sameshima, H.; Yasui, C.
    "Method to estimate the effective temperatures of late-type giants using line-depth ratios in the wavelength range 0.97-1.32 μm"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 4, p.4993-5001 (02/2018)

  10. Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Utsumi, Y.; Yamaguchi, M. S.; Yasuda, N.; Tanaka, M.; Yoshida, M.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Furusawa, H.; Kawabata, K. S.; Lee, C.; Motohara, K.; Ohsawa, R.; Ohta, K.; Terai, T.; Abe, F.; Aoki, W.; Asakura, Y.; Barway, S.; Bond, I. A.; Fujisawa, K.; Honda, S.; Ioka, K.; Itoh, Y.; Kawai, N.; Kim, J. H.; Koshimoto, N.; Matsubayashi, K.; Miyazaki, S.; Saito, T.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sumi, T.; Tristram, P. J.;
    "Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey for an optical counterpart of GW170817"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 2, id.28 (03/2018)

  11. D’Orazi, V.; Magurno, D.; Bono, G.; Matsunaga, N.; Braga, V. F.; Elgueta, S. S.; Fukue, K.; Hamano, S.; Inno, L.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Monelli, M.; Nonino, M.; Przybilla, N.; Sameshima, H.; Saviane, I.; Taniguchi, D.; Thevenin, F.; Urbaneja-Perez, M.; Watase, A.; Arai, A.; Bergemann, M.; Buonanno, R.; Dall’Ora, M.; Da Silva, R.; Fabrizio, M.; Ferraro, I.; Fiorentino, G.; Francois, P.; Gilmozzi, R.; Iannicola, G.; Ikeda, Y.; Jian, M.; Kawakita, H.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Lemasle, B.; Marengo, M.; Marinoni, S.; Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.; Minniti, D.; Neeley, J.; Otsubo, S.; Prieto, J. L.; Proxauf, B.; Romaniello, M.; Sanna, N.; Sneden, C.; Takenaka, K.; Tsujimoto, T.; Valenti, E.; Yasui, C.; Yoshikawa, T.; Zoccali, M.
    "On the Chemical Abundances of Miras in Clusters: V1 in the Metal-rich Globular NGC 5927"
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 855, Issue 1, article id. L9, 7 pp. (03/2018)

  12. Ohsawa, R.; Sako, S.; Miyata, T.; Kamizuka, T.; Okada, K.; Mori, K.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Yamaguchi, J.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Morii, M.; Ikeda, S.
    ""Slow-scanning" in Ground-based Mid-infrared Observations"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 857, Issue 1, article id. 37, 11 pp. (04/2018)

  13. Hatsukade, B.; Tominaga, N.; Hayashi, M.; Konishi, M.; Matsuda, Y.; Morokuma, T.; Morokuma-Matsui, K.; Motogi, K.; Niinuma, K.; Tamura, Y.
    "Obscured Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Superluminous Supernovae"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 857, Issue 1, article id. 72, 7 pp. (04/2018)

  14. Kuncarayakti, H.; Anderson, J. P.; Galbany, L.; Maeda, K.; Hamuy, M.; Aldering, G.; Arimoto, N.; Doi, M.; Morokuma, T.; Usuda, T.
    "Constraints on core-collapse supernova progenitors from explosion site integral field spectroscopy"
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 613, id.A35, 18 pp. (05/2018)

  15. Gilbank, David G.; Barrientos, L. Felipe; Ellingson, Erica; Blindert, Kris; Yee, H. K. C.; Anguita, T.; Gladders, M. D.; Hall, P. B.; Hertling, G.; Infante, L.; Yan, R.; Carrasco, M.; Garcia-Vergara, Cristina; Dawson, K. S.; Lidman, C.; Morokuma, T.
    "Spectroscopic characterization of galaxy clusters in RCS-1: spectroscopic confirmation, redshift accuracy, and dynamical mass-richness relation"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 2, p.1991-2012 (05/2018)

  16. Honda, M.; Okada, K.; Miyata, T.; Mulders, G. D.; Swearingen, J. R.; Kamizuka, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Fujiwara, H.; Uchiyama, M.; Yamashita, T.; Onaka, T.
    "Mid-infrared multi-wavelength imaging of Ophiuchus IRS 48 transitional disk"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 3, id.44 (06/2018)

  17. Nakaoka, T.; Kawabata, K. S.; Maeda, K.; Tanaka, M.; Yamanaka, M.; Moriya, T. J.; Tominaga, N.; Morokuma, T.; Takaki, K.; Kawabata, M.; Kawahara, N.; Itoh, R.; Shiki, K.; Mori, H.; Hirochi, J.; Abe, T.; Uemura, M.; Yoshida, M.; Akitaya, H.; Moritani, Y.; Ueno, I.; Urano, T.; Isogai, M.; Hanayama, H.; Nagayama, T.
    "The Low-luminosity Type IIP Supernova 2016bkv with Early-phase Circumstellar Interaction"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 859, Issue 2, article id. 78, 9 pp. (06/2018)

  18. Sako, M.; Bassett, B.; Becker, A. C.; Brown, P. J.; Campbell, H.; Wolf, R.; Cinabro, D.; D'Andrea, C. B.; Dawson, K. S.; DeJongh, F.; Depoy, D. L.; Dilday, B.; Doi, M.; Filippenko, A. V.; Fischer, J. A.; Foley, R. J.; Frieman, J. A.; Galbany, L.; Garnavich, P. M.; Goobar, A.; Gupta, R. R.; Hill, G. J.; Hayden, B. T.; Hlozek, R.; Holtzman, J. A.; Hopp, U.; Jha, S. W.; Kessler, R.; Kollatschny, W.; Leloudas, G.; Marriner, J.; Marshall, J. L.; Miquel, R.; Morokuma, T.; Mosher, J.; Nichol, R. C.; Nordin, J.; Olmstead, M. D.; Östman, L.; Prieto, J. L.; Richmond, M.; Romani, R. W.; Sollerman, J.; Stritzinger, M.; Schneider, D. P.; Smith, M.; Wheeler, J. C.; Yasuda, N.; Zheng, C.
    "The Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 130, Issue 988, pp. 064002 (06/2018)

  19. Matsuoka, Y.; Iwasawa, K.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Strauss, M. A.; Lee, C.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.; Yamashita, T.
    "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IV. Discovery of 41 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7 ≤ z ≤ 6.9"
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 237, Issue 1, article id. 5, 17 pp. (07/2018)

  20. Sameshima, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Kobayashi, N.; Kawakita, H.; Hamano, S.; Ikeda, Y.; Kondo, S.; Fukue, K.; Taniguchi, D.; Mizumoto, M.; Arai, A.; Otsubo, S.; Takenaka, K.; Watase, A.; Asano, A.; Yasui, C.; Izumi, N.; Yoshikawa, T.
    "Correction of Near-infrared High-resolution Spectra for Telluric Absorption at 0.90-1.35 μm"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 130, Issue 989, pp. 074502 (07/2018)

  21. Yamashita, T.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; He, W.; Ikeda, H.; Tanaka, M.; Niida, M.; Kajisawa, M.; Matsuoka, Y.; Nobuhara, K.; Lee, C.; Morokuma, T.; Toba, Y.; Kawaguchi, T.; Noboriguchi, A.
    "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). I. The Optical Counterparts of FIRST Radio Sources"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 866, Issue 2, article id. 140, 15 pp. (10/2018)

  22. Tanaka, M.; Okumura, S.; Takahashi, H.; Osawa, K.; Motohara, K.; Konishi, M.; Tateuchi, K.; Kato, N.; Morokuma, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Koshida, S.; Yoshii, Y.; Nishimura, Y.
    "The 1.87- and 2.07-μm observations of three Galactic Centre clusters with miniTAO at Atacama: classification of stellar components in massive star clusters"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 480, Issue 2, p.1507-1521 (10/2018)

  23. Niino, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Totani, T.; Morokuma, T.; Keane, E.; Possenti, A.; Sugai, H.; Yamasaki, S.
    "A search for optical transients associated with fast radio burst 150418"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 5, id.L7 (10/2018)

  24. Tominaga, N.; Niino, Y.; Totani, T.; Yasuda, N.; Furusawa, H.; Tanaka, M.; Bhandari, S.; Dodson, R.; Keane, E.; Morokuma, T.; Petroff, E.; Possenti, A.
    "Optical follow-up observation of Fast Radio Burst 151230"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Advance Access (10/2018)

  25. Mizumoto, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Hamano, S.; Ikeda, Y.; Kondo, S.; Sameshima, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Fukue, K.; Yasui, C.; Izumi, N.; Kawakita, H.; Nakanishi, K.; Nakaoka, T.; Otsubo, S.; Maehara, H.
    "A newly identified emission-line region around P Cygni"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 481, Issue 1, p.793-805 (11/2018)

  26. Shidatsu, M.; Nakahira, S.; Yamada, S.; Kawamuro, T.; Ueda, Y.; Negoro, H.; Murata, K. L.; Itoh, R.; Tachibana, Y.; Adachi, R.; Yatsu, Y.; Kawai, N.; Hanayama, H.; Horiuchi, T.; Akitaya, H.; Saito, T.; Takayama, M.; Ohshima, T.; Katoh, N.; Takahashi, J.; Nagayama, T.; Yamanaka, M.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Takagi, S.; Morokuma, T.; Morihana, K.; Maehara, H.; Sekiguchi, K.
    "X-Ray, Optical, and Near-infrared Monitoring of the New X-Ray Transient MAXI J1820+070 in the Low/Hard State"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 868, Issue 1, article id. 54, 11 pp. (11/2018)

  27. Sameshima, H.; Ikeda, Y.; Matsunaga, N.; Fukue, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Hamano, S.; Kawakita, H.; Yasui, C.; Izumi, N.; Mizumoto, M.; Otsubo, S.; Takenaka, K.; Watase, A.; Asano, A.; Yoshikawa, T.
    "WINERED High-resolution Near-infrared Line Catalog: A-type Star "
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 239, Issue 2, article id. 19, 13 pp. (12/2018)

  28. Kwon, Y. G.; Ishiguro, M.; Shinnaka, Y.; Nakaoka, T.; Kuroda, D.; Hanayama, H.; Takahashi, J.; Baar, S.; Saito, T.; Kawabata, M.; Uemura, M.; Morokuma, T.; Murata, K. L.; Takagi, S.; Morihana, K.; Nagayama, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Kawabata, K. S.; Akitaya, H.
    "High polarization degree of the continuum of comet 2P/Encke based on spectropolarimetric signals during its 2017 apparition "
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 620, id.A161, 9 pp. (12/2018)

  29. Tominaga, N.; Niino, Y.; Totani, T.; Yasuda, N.; Furusawa, H.; Tanaka, M.; Bhandari, S.; Dodson, R.; Keane, E.; Morokuma, T.; Petroff, E.; Possenti, A.
    "Optical follow-up observation of Fast Radio Burst 151230"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue 6, id.103 (12/2018)

Non-refereed article / 天文電報等(木曽観測所のメンバーが著者に含まれているもの)

  1. Rubin, D.; Suzuki, N.; Regnault, N.; Aldering, G.; Amanullah, R.; Antilogus, P.; Astier, P.; Barbary, K.; Betoule, M.; Boone, K. R.; Currie, M.; Deustua, S.; Doi, M.; Fruchter, A.; Goobar, A.; Hayden, B.; Hazenberg, F.; Hook, I.; Huang, X.; Jiang, J.; Kato, T.; Kim, A.; Kowalski, M.; Lidman, C.; Linder, E.; Maeda, K.; Morokuma, T.; Nordin, J.; Pain, R.; Perlmutter, S.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Sako, M.; Myers Saunders, C.; Spadafora, A. L.; Tanaka, M.; Tominaga, N.; Yasuda, N.; Yoshida, N.
    "High-Redshift SNe with Subaru and HST"
    American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id.#153.21 (01/2018)

  2. Uddin, S.; Hu, L.; Wang, L.; Sun, T.; Jiang, J.; Morokuma, T.; Doi, M.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D. A.; Arcavi, I.; McCully, C.; Valenti, S.
    "Classification of a KISO transient AT2017jzk as a young Type Ia Supernova"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11157 (01/2018)

  3. Yamanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Itoh, R.; Ohta, K.; Kawabata, K. S.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.
    "Optical and near-infrared polarimetric observations of the IceCube-170922A counterpart candidate TXS 0506+056"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11489 (03/2018)

  4. Hamano, S.; Kobayashi, N.; Kawakita, H.; Ikeda, Y.; Kondo, S.; Sameshima, H.; Arai, A.; Matsunaga, N.; Yasui, C.; Mizumoto, M.; Fukue, K.; Izumi, N.; Otsubo, S.; Takenada, K.
    "A Survey of Near-infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands"
    Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, in Proceedings of the First Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy & Astrophysics (BINA) workshop, November 2016, held in Nainital, India, Vol. 87, pp. 276-280 (04/2018)

  5. Shinnaka, Y.; Kawakita, H.; Kondo, S.; Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Hamano, S.; Sameshima, H.; Fukue, K.; Matsunaga, N.; Yasui, C.; Izumi, N.; Mizumoto, M.; Otsubo, S.; Takenaka, K.; Watase, A.; Kawanishi, T.; Nakanishi, K.; Nakaoka, T.
    "VizieR Online Data Catalog: WINERED CN-red band emission in comet C/2013 R1 (Shinnaka+, 2017)"
    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/154/45. Originally published in: 2017AJ....154...45S (05/2018)

  6. Yatsu, Y.; Ozawa, T.; Sasaki, K.; Mamiya, H.; Kawai, N.; Kikuya, Y.; Matsushita, M.; Matunaga, S.; Nikzad, S.; Bilgi, P.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Takeyama, N.; Enokuchi, A.
    "Conceptual design of a wide-field near UV transient survey in a 6U CubeSat"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id. 106990D 12 pp. (07/2018)

  7. Doi, M.; Miyata, T.; Yoshii, Y.; Kohno, K.; Tanaka, M.; Motohara, K.; Minezaki, T.; Kawara, K.; Sako, S.; Morokuma, T.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabe, T.; Hatsukade, B.; Takahashi, H.; Konishi, M.; Kamizuka, T.; Kato, N.; Aoki, T.; Soyano, T.; Tarusawa, K.; Handa, T.; Koshida, S.; Bronfman, L.; Ruiz, M. T.; Hamuy, M.; Mendez, R.; Garay, G.; Escala, A.
    "The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory 6.5m telescope: project overview and current status"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10700, id. 107000W 11 pp. (07/2018)

  8. Konishi, M.; Motohara, K.; Takahashi, H.; Kato, N.; Terao, Y.; Ohashi, H.; Kono, Y.; Kushibiki, K.; Kodama, T.; Hayashi, M.; Tanaka, I.; Tadaki, K.; Toshikawa, J.; Koyama, Y.; Shimakawa, R.; Suzuki, T.; Tateuchi, K.; Kitagawa, Y.; Kobayakawa, Y.; Todo, S.; Aoki, T.; Doi, M.; Hatsukade, B.; Kamizuka, T.; Kohno, K.; Minezaki, T.; Miyata, T.; Morokuma, T.; Sako, S.; Soyano, T.; Tanabé, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Tamura, Y.; Koshida, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Uchiyama, M.; Mori, T.; Yamaguchi, J.; Yoshida, Y.; Yoshii, Y.
    "Development status of the simultaneous two-color near-infrared multi-object spectrograph SWIMS for the TAO 6.5m telescope"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 1070226 12 pp. (07/2018)

  9. Uchiyama, M. S.; Miyata, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Kamizuka, T.; Sako, S.; Yamaguchi, J.; Mori, T.; Yoshida, Y.
    "Photometric error in mid-infrared observations at the TAO site caused by short-term variation of atmospheric water vapor"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107022B 9 pp. (07/2018)

  10. Kamizuka, T.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Yamaguchi, J.; Mori, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Yoshida, Y.; Sako, S.; Miyata, T.; Asano, K.; Uchiyama, M.; Sakon, I.; Onaka, T.; Kataza, H.; Aoki, T.; Doi, M.; Hatsukade, B.; Kato, N.; Kohno, K.; Konishi, M.; Minezaki, T.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Soyano, T.; Takahashi, H.; Tanabe, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Tamura, Y.; Koshida, S.; Terao, Y.; Ohashi, H.; Kono, Y.; Kushibiki, K.; Yoshii, Y.
    "Laboratory performance evaluation of the mid-infrared camera and spectrograph MIMIZUKU for the TAO 6.5-m telescope"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107022H 10 pp. (07/2018)

  11. Mori, T.; Miyata, T.; Kamizuka, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Sako, S.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Yamaguchi, J.; Yoshida, Y.
    "Performance of the reflective optics of MIMIZUKU at cryogenic temperature"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107022N 7 pp. (07/2018)

  12. Liu, W.; Sako, S.; Kawabata, K.; Shi, S.; Yoshida, M.; Utsumi, Y.
    "Development of a compact readout system for optical CCD in Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10709, id. 107091X 8 pp. (07/2018)

  13. Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Otsubo, S.; Watase, A.; Murai, T.; Sakamoto, K.; Hamano, S.; Sameshima, H.; Fukue, K.; Arai, A.; Yoshikawa, T.; Takenaka, K.; Manome, T.; Mukai, S.; Iida, N.; Yanagibashi, K.; Yasui, C.; Mizumoto, M.; Matsunaga, N.; Bono, G.; Kawakita, H.
    "Very high-sensitive NIR high-resolution spectrograph WINERED: on-going observations at NTT"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107025U 12 pp. (07/2018)

  14. Sarugaku, Y.; Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Manome, T.; Yanagibashi, K.; Iida, N.; Horiuchi, M.; Mukai, S.; Oka, K.; Kaji, S.; Kondo, S.; Yasui, C.; Kawakita, H.
    "Reflective optical system made entirely of ultra low thermal expansion ceramics: a possibility of genuine athermal cryogenic IR instrument"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10706, id. 107063P 6 pp. (07/2018)

  15. Izumi, N.; Kobayashi, N.; Yasui, C.; Saito, M.; Hamano, S.
    "VizieR Online Data Catalog: WISE-selected candidate SFRs beyond the Outer Arm (Izumi+, 2017)"
    http://ads.nao.ac.jp/abs/2018BSRSL..87..276H VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/154/163. Originally published in: 2017AJ....154..163I(07/2018)

  16. Yamanaka, M.; Itoh, R.; Ohta, K.; Morokuma, T.; Kawabata, K. S.; Isogai, K.; Kojiguchi, N.; Morihana, K.; Nagashima, H.; Sasada, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Kawabata, M.; Takagi, K.; Takahashi, J.; Leon, J. De; Horiuchi, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Oister
    "OISTER Optical and Near-Infrared Observations for the field of 3FGL J1804.5-0850 close to the position of IceCube-181023A"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12145 (10/2018)

  17. Jose, J.; Pandey, A. K.; Samal, M. R.; Ojha, D. K.; Ogura, K.; Kim, J. S.; Kobayashi, N.; Goyal, A.; Chauhan, N.; Eswaraiah, C.
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