木曽観測所関係 論文リスト 2016年

2016年に出版された木曽観測所に関連のある論文のリストです。 査読付き(Refereed)のものと査読無しのもの(Non-refereed)、 木曽のデータなどが使われているものと観測所メンバーが著者に入っているものを 区別してあります。ただし、木曽のデータが使われていて、なおかつ観測所メンバーが 著者に入っているものは「木曽のデータなどが使われているもの」にリストされています。 年度ではなく1〜12月を区切りとするリストで、たとえば2016年3月発表の学位論文も 2016年のものとカウントしています。

Refereed article (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. Darnley, M. J.; Henze, M.; Bode, M. F.; Hachisu, I.; Hernanz, M.; Hornoch, K.; Hounsell, R.; Kato, M.; Ness, J.-U.; Osborne, J. P.; Page, K. L.; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Shafter, A. W.; Shara, M. M.; Steele, I. A.; Williams, S. C.; Arai, A.; Arcavi, I.; Barsukova, E. A.; Boumis, P.; Chen, T.; Fabrika, S.; Figueira, J.; Gao, X.; Gehrels, N.; Godon, P.; Goranskij, V. P.; Harman, D. J.; Hartmann, D. H.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Horst, J. Chuck; Itagaki, K.; José, J.; Kabashima, F.; Kaur, A.; Kawai, N.; Kennea, J. A.; Kiyota, S.; Kučáková, H.; Lau, K. M.; Maehara, H.; Naito, H.; Nakajima, K.; Nishiyama, K.; O'Brien, T. J.; Quimby, R.; Sala, G.; Sano, Y.; Sion, E. M.; Valeev, A. F.; Watanabe, F.; Watanabe, M.; Williams, B. F.; Xu, Z.
    "M31N 2008-12a - The Remarkable Recurrent Nova in M31: Panchromatic Observations of the 2015 Eruption."
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 833, Issue 2, article id. 149, 38 pp. (12/2016)

  2. Noda, H.; Minezaki, T.; Watanabe, M.; Kokubo, M.; Kawaguchi, K.; Itoh, R.; Morihana, K.; Saito, Y.; Nakao, H.; Imai, M.; Moritani, Y.; Takaki, K.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Uemura, M.; Kawabata, K.; Yoshida, M.; Arai, A.; Takagi, Y.; Morokuma, T.; Doi, M.; Itoh, Y.; Yamada, S.; Nakazawa, K.; Fukazawa, Y.; Makishima, K.
    "X-Ray and Optical Correlation of Type I Seyfert NGC 3516 Studied with Suzaku and Japanese Ground-based Telescopes"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 828, Issue 2, article id. 78, 15 pp. (09/2016)

  3. Morokuma, T.; Tanaka, M.; Asakura, Y.; Abe, F.; Tristram, P. J.; Utsumi, Y.; Doi, M.; Fujisawa, K.; Itoh, R.; Itoh, Y.; Kawabata, K. S.; Kawai, N.; Kuroda, D.; Matsubayashi, K.; Motohara, K.; Murata, K. L.; Nagayama, T.; Ohta, K.; Saito, Y.; Tamura, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Uemura, M.; Yanagisawa, K.; Yatsu, Y.; Yoshida, M.
    "J-GEM follow-up observations to search for an optical counterpart of the first gravitational wave source GW150914"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 4, id.L9 6 pp. (08/2016)

  4. Horiuchi, T.; Misawa, T.; Morokuma, T.; Koyamada, S.; Takahashi, K.; Wada, H.
    "Optical Variability Properties of Mini-BAL and NAL Quasars"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 4, id.48 19 pp. (08/2016)

  5. Kokubo, M.
    "The relationship between variable and polarized optical spectral components of luminous type 1 non-blazar quasars"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 4, id.52 13 pp. (08/2016)

  6. Katsuda, S.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Fesen, R.; Milisavljevic, D.
    "Constraining the Age and Distance of the Galactic Supernova Remnant G156.2+5.7 by Hα Expansion Measurements"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 826, Issue 2, article id. 108, 9 pp. (08/2016)

  7. Wright, N. J.; Bouy, H.; Drew, J. E.; Sarro, L. M.; Bertin, E.; Cuillandre, J.; Barrado, D.
    "Cygnus OB2 DANCe: A high-precision proper motion study of the Cygnus OB2 association"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 460, Issue 3, p.2593-2610 (08/2016)

  8. Abbott, B. P.; Morokuma, T.; and 1572 coauthors
    "Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914"
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 826, Issue 1, article id. L13, 8 pp. (07/2016)

  9. Abbott, B. P.; Morokuma, T.; and 1575 coauthors
    "Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914"
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 225, Issue 1, article id. 8, 15 pp. (07/2016)

  10. Ishiguro, M.; Sarugaku, Y.; Kuroda, D.; Hanayama, H.; Kim, Y.; Kwon, Y. G.; Maehara, H.; Takahashi, J.; Terai, T.; Usui, F.; Vaubaillon, J. J.; Morokuma, T.; Kobayashi, N.; Watanabe, J.
    "Detection of Remnant Dust Cloud Associated with the 2007 Outburst of 17P/Holmes"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 1, article id. 77, 9 pp. (01/2016)

  11. 西浦慎悟、三戸洋之、伊藤信成、山縣朋彦、濱部勝、中田好一
    東京学芸大学紀要 自然科学系, 第68集, pp. 73-82. (2016年)

Non-refereed article / 天文電報等 (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. Naito, H.; Watanabe, F.; Sano, Y.; Kuramoto, K.; Itagaki, K.; Kiyota, S.; Arai, A.; Matsumoto, K.; Kojiguchi, N.; Sugiura, Y.; Maehara, H.; Nishiyama, K.; Kabashima, F.; Henze, M.; Darnley, M. J.; Shafter, A. W.; Kato, M.; et al.
    "Optical Photometric Observations of M31N 2008-12a: Pre- and Post-maximum of the 2016 Eruption"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9891 (12/2016)

  2. Noda, H.; Minezaki, T.; Watanabe, M.; Kokubo, M.; Kawaguchi, K.; Itoh, R.; Morihana, K.; Saito, Y.; Nakao, H.; Imai, M.; Moritani, Y.; Takaki, K.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Uemura, M.; Kawabata, K.; Yoshida, M.; Arai, A.; Takagi, Y.; Morokuma, T.; Doi, M.; Itoh, Y.; Yamada, S.; Nakazawa, K.; Fukazawa, Y.; Makishima, K.
    "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Optical monitoring of the Seyfert I NGC 3516 (Noda+, 2016)"
    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/828/78. (11/2016)

  3. Maehara, H.
    "Discovery of a Possible Nova in M31"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9750 (11/2016)

  4. Ohsawa, R.; Sako, S.; Takahashi, H.; Kikuchi, Y.; Doi, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Aoki, T.; Arimatsu, K.; Ichiki, M.; Ikeda, S.; Ita, Y.; Kasuga, T.; Kawakita, H.; Kokubo, M.; Maehara, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Mito, H.; Mitsuda, K.; Miyata, T.; Mori, K.; Mori, Y.; Morii, M.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Nakada, Y.; Okumura, S.; Onozato, H.; Osawa, K.; Sarugaku, Y.; Sato, M.; Shigeyama, T.; Soyano, T.; Tanaka, M.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, A.; Tarusawa, K.; Tominaga, N.; Totani, T.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Watanabe, J.; Yamaguchi, J.; Yoshikawa, M.
    "Development of a real-time data processing system for a prototype of the Tomo-e Gozen wide field CMOS camera"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9913, id. 991339 8 pp. (08/2016)

  5. Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Takahashi, H.; Kikuchi, Y.; Doi, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Aoki, T.; Arimatsu, K.; Ichiki, M.; Ikeda, S.; Ita, Y.; Kasuga, T.; Kawakita, H.; Kokubo, M.; Maehara, H.; Matsunaga, N.; Mito, H.; Mitsuda, K.; Miyata, T.; Mori, K.; Mori, Y.; Morii, M.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Nakada, Y.; Okumura, S.; Onozato, H.; Osawa, K.; Sarugaku, Y.; Sato, M.; Shigeyama, T.; Soyano, T.; Tanaka, M.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, A.; Tarusawa, K.; Tominaga, N.; Totani, T.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Watanabe, J.; Yamaguchi, J.; Yoshikawa, M.
    "Development of a prototype of the Tomo-e Gozen wide-field CMOS camera"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99083P 15 pp. (08/2016)

  6. Maehara, H.; Kiyota, S.
    "Sudden optical brightening of M31N 2016-04a"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9390 (08/2016)

  7. Watanabe, J.; Yoshikawa, M.; Urakawa, S.; Usui, F.; Ohsawa, R.; Sako, S.; Arimatsu, K.
    "Development of Extremely Wide-Field CMOS Camera Tomo-e:Contribution to Small Solar System Objects"
    41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Abstract B0.4-77-16.(07/2016)

  8. Maehara, H.
    "KWS pre-discovery observations of CSS160603:162117+441254 = 2MASS J16211735+4412541"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9113 (06/2016)

  9. Maehara, H.
    "Pre-discovery observations of MASTER OT J004514.13+420007.2"
    The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 8606 (01/2016)

  10. Morokuma, T.; Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Suzuki, A.; Serino, M.; Sakamoto, T.; Maeda, K.
    "GRB 160206A: Kiso/KWFC optical observations."
    GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 19008, #1 (00/2016)

  11. Morokuma, T.; Sarugaku, Y.
    "GRB 161129A: KWFC z-band photometry."
    GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 20242, #1 (00/2016)

学位論文等 (木曽観測所のデータなどが使われているもの)

  1. Jiang, Jian
    「Studying Early-Phase Type Ia Supernovae with Wide-Field Surveys」
    東京大学 平成27年度 修士論文, 2016年3月

  2. 菊池勇輝
    東京大学 平成27年度 修士論文, 2016年3月

  3. 塩田千幸
    日本女子大学 平成27年度 修士論文, 2016年3月

  4. 佐藤唯香
    東京学芸大学 平成27年度 卒業論文, 2016年3月

  5. 大久保瑞希
    明星大学 平成27年度 卒業論文, 2016年3月

Refereed (木曽観測所のメンバーが著者に含まれているもの)

  1. Ishiguro, M.; Kuroda, D.; Hanayama, H.; Kwon, Y. G.; Kim, Y.; Lee, M. G.; Watanabe, M.; Akitaya, H.; Kawabata, K.; Itoh, R.; Nakaoka, T.; Yoshida, M.; Imai, M.; Sarugaku, Y.; Yanagisawa, K.; Ohta, K.; Kawai, N.; Miyaji, T.; Fukushima, H.; Honda, S.; Takahashi, J.; Sato, M.; Vaubaillon, J. J.; Watanabe, J.
    "2014-2015 Multiple Outbursts of 15P/Finlay"
    The Astronomical Journal, Volume 152, Issue 6, article id. 169, 14 pp. (12/2016)

  2. Morii, M.; Ikeda, S.; Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.; Ishiguro, K.; Yamato, J.; Ueda, N.; Suzuki, N.; Yasuda, N.; Yoshida, N.
    "Machine-learning selection of optical transients in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 6, id.104 8 pp. (12/2016)

  3. Yamanaka, M.; Maeda, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tominaga, N.; Kawabata, K. S.; Takaki, K.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Ueno, I.; Akitaya, H.; Nagayama, T.; Takahashi, J.; Honda, S.; Omodaka, T.; Miyanoshita, R.; Nagao, T.; Watanabe, M.; Isogai, M.; Arai, A.; Itoh, R.; Ui, T.; Uemura, M.; Yoshida, M.; Hanayama, H.; Kuroda, D.; Ukita, N.; Yanagisawa, K.; Izumiura, H.; Saito, Y.; Masumoto, K.; Ono, R.; Noguchi, R.; Matsumoto, K.; Nogami, D.; Morokuma, T.; Oasa, Y.; Sekiguchi, K.
    "OISTER optical and near-infrared observations of the super-Chandrasekhar supernova candidate SN 2012dn: Dust emission from the circumstellar shell"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 5, id.68 24 pp. (10/2016)

  4. Matsunaga, N.; Feast, M. W.; Bono, G.; Kobayashi, N.; Inno, L.; Nagayama, T.; Nishiyama, S.; Matsuoka, Y.; Nagata, T.
    "A lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disc"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 462, Issue 1, p.414-420 (10/2016)

  5. Yadav, R. K.; Pandey, A. K.; Sharma, S.; Ojha, D. K.; Samal, M. R.; Mallick, K. K.; Jose, J.; Ogura, K.; Richichi, A.; Irawati, P.; Kobayashi, N.; Eswaraiah, C.
    "A multiwavelength investigation of the H II region S311: young stellar population and star formation"
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 461, Issue 3, p.2502-2518 (09/2016)

  6. Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Iwasawa, K.; Strauss, M. A.; Nagao, T.; Imanishi, M.; Niida, M.; Toba, Y.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Foucaud, S.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kikuta, S.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.; Utsumi, Y.
    "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). I. Discovery of 15 Quasars and Bright Galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.9""
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 828, Issue 1, article id. 26, 14 pp. (09/2016)

  7. Sakon, I.; Sako, S.; Oanaka, T.; Nozawa, T.; Kimura, Y.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Shimonishi, T.; Usui, F.; Takahashi, H.; Ohsawa, R.; Arai, A.; Uemura, M.; Nagayama, T.; Koo, B.-C.; Kozasa, T.
    "Carbon and silicate dust formation in V1280 Sco"
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 728, Issue 6, article id. 062006 (07/2016)

  8. Morokuma, T.; Tominaga, N.; Tanaka, M.; Yasuda, N.; Furusawa, H.; Taniguchi, Y.; Kato, T.; Jiang, J.; Nagao, T.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Morokuma-Matsui, K.; Ikeda, H.; Blinnikov, S.; Nomoto, K.; Kokubo, M.; Doi, M.
    "An effective selection method for low-mass active black holes and first spectroscopic identification"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 3, id.40 10 pp. (06/2016)

  9. Tanaka, Y. T.; Itoh, R.; Uemura, M.; Inoue, Y.; Cheung, C. C.; Watanabe, M.; Kawabata, K. S.; Fukazawa, Y.; Yatsu, Y.; Yoshii, T.; Tachibana, Y.; Fujiwara, T.; Saito, Y.; Kawai, N.; Kimura, M.; Isogai, K.; Kato, T.; Akitaya, H.; Kawabata, M.; Nakaoka, T.; Shiki, K.; Takaki, K.; Yoshida, M.; Imai, M.; Gouda, S.; Gouda, Y.; Akimoto, H.; Honda, S.; Hosoya, K.; Ikebe, A.; Morihana, K.; Ohshima, T.; Takagi, Y.; Takahashi, J.; Watanabe, K.; Kuroda, D.; Morokuma, T.; Murata, K.; Nagayama, T.; Nogami, D.; Oasa, Y.; Sekiguchi, K.
    "No Evidence of Intrinsic Optical/Near-infrared Linear Polarization for V404 Cygni during Its Bright Outburst in 2015: Broadband Modeling and Constraint on Jet Parameters"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Issue 1, article id. 35, 8 pp. (05/2016)

  10. Sharma, S.; Pandey, A. K.; Borissova, J.; Ojha, D. K.; Ivanov, V. D.; Ogura, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Kurtev, R.; Gopinathan, M.; Kesh Y., R.
    "Structural Studies of Eight Bright Rimmed Clouds in the Southern Hemisphere"
    The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 5, article id. 126, 26 pp. (05/2016)

  11. Yasui, C.; Kobayashi, N.; Saito, M.; Izumi, N.
    "Low-metallicity Young Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. II. Sh 2-208"
    The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 5, article id. 115, 14 pp. (05/2016)

  12. Hamano, S.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Sameshima, H.; Nakanishi, K.; Ikeda, Y.; Yasui, C.; Mizumoto, M.; Matsunaga, N.; Fukue, K.; Yamamoto, R.; Izumi, N.; Mito, H.; Nakaoka, T.; Kawanishi, T.; Kitano, A.; Otsubo, S.; Kinoshita, M.; Kawakita, H.
    "Near Infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands Toward the Cygnus OB2 Association"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Issue 1, article id. 42, 12 pp. (04/2016)

  13. Tanaka, M.; Tominaga, N.; Morokuma, T.; Yasuda, N.; Furusawa, H.; Baklanov, P. V.; Blinnikov, S. I.; Moriya, T. J.; Doi, M.; Jiang, J.; Kato, T.; Kikuchi, Y.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Nagao, T.; Nomoto, K.; Taniguchi, Y.
    "Rapidly Rising Transients from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Transient Survey"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 819, Issue 1, article id. 5, 15 pp. (03/2016)

  14. Yasui, C.; Kobayashi, N.; Tokunaga, A. T.; Saito, M.; Izumi, N.
    "Low-metallicity Young Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. I. Sh 2-207"
    The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 3, article id. 50, 10 pp. (03/2016)

  15. Yasui, C.; Kobayashi, N.; Hamano, S.; Kondo, S.; Izumi, N.; Saito, M.; Tokunaga, A. T.
    "Herbig Ae/Be Candidate Stars in the Innermost Galactic Disk: Quartet Cluster"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 181, 12 pp. (02/2016)

  16. Keane, E. F.; Johnston, S.; Bhandari, S.; Barr, E.; Bhat, N. D. R.; Burgay, M.; Caleb, M.; Flynn, C.; Jameson, A.; Kramer, M.; Petroff, E.; Possenti, A.; van Straten, W.; Bailes, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Eatough, R. P.; Stappers, B. W.; Totani, T.; Honma, M.; Furusawa, H.; Hattori, T.; Morokuma, T.; Niino, Y.; Sugai, H.; Terai, T.; Tominaga, N.; Yamasaki, S.; Yasuda, N.; Allen, R.; Cooke, J.; Jencson, J.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Kaplan, D. L.; Tingay, S. J.; Williams, A.; Wayth, R.; Chandra, P.; Perrodin, D.; Berezina, M.; Mickaliger, M.; Bassa, C.
    "The host galaxy of a fast radio burst"
    Nature, Volume 530, Issue 7591, pp. 453-456 (02/2016)

  17. Sakon, I.; Sako, S.; Onaka, T.; Nozawa, T.; Kimura, Y.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Shimonishi, T.; Usui, F.; Takahashi, H.; Ohsawa, R.; Arai, A.; Uemura, M.; Nagayama, T.; Koo, B.-C.; Kozasa, T.
    "Concurrent Formation of Carbon and Silicate Dust in Nova V1280 Sco"
    The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 145, 23 pp. (02/2016)

  18. Saito, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Minowa, Y.; Morokuma, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Sameshima, H.; Minezaki, T.; Oi, N.; Nagao, T.; Kawatatu, N.; Matsuoka, K.
    "Near-infrared spectroscopy of quasars at z ˜ 3 and estimates of their supermassive black hole masses"
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 1, id.119 pp. (02/2016)

Non-refereed article / 天文電報等(木曽観測所のメンバーが著者に含まれているもの)

  1. Sarugaku, Y.; Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Kaji, S.; Sukegawa, T.; Sugiyama, S.; Nakagawa, T.; Arasaki, T.; Kondo, S.; Nakanishi, K.; Yasui, C.; Kawakita, H.
    "Immersion Gratings for Infrared High-resolution Spectroscopy"
    American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, id.#123.40 (10/2016)

  2. Sharma, S.; Pandey, A. K.; Borissova, J.; Ojha, D. K.; Ivanov, V. D.; Ogura, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Kurtev, R.; Gopinathan, M.; Yadav, R. K.
    "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Photometry of YSOs in eight bright-rimmed clouds (Sharma+, 2016)"
    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/151/126. Originally published in: 2016AJ....151..126S (08/2016)

  3. Gabányu, K. É.; Frey, S.; Paragi, Z.; Tar, I.; An, T.; Tanaka, M.; Morokuma, T.
    "Zooming in on the peculiar radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, J1100+4421"
    Zooming in on the peculiar radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, J1100+4421 (08/2016)

  4. Otsubo, S.; Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Sukegawa, T.; Kondo, S.; Hamano, S.; Sameshima, H.; Fukue, K.; Yoshikawa, T.; Nakanishi, K.; Watase, A.; Takenaka, K.; Asano, A.; Yasui, C.; Matsunaga, N.; Kawakita, H.
    "First high-efficiency and high-resolution (R=80,000) NIR spectroscopy with high-blazed Echelle grating: WINERED HIRES modes"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 990879 12 pp. (08/2016)

  5. Arasaki, T.; Kobayashi, N.; Ikeda, Y.; Kondo, S.; Sarugaku, Y.; Kaji, S.; Kawakita, H.
    "VINROUGE: a very compact 2-5μm high-resolution spectrograph with germanium immersion grating"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 990875 10 pp. (08/2016)

  6. Ikeda, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Otsubo, S.; Hamano, S.; Sameshima, H.; Yoshikawa, T.; Fukue, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Kawanishi, T.; Nakaoka, T.; Kinoshita, M.; Kitano, A.; Asano, A.; Takenaka, K.; Watase, A.; Mito, H.; Yasui, C.; Minami, A.; Izumu, N.; Yamamoto, R.; Mizumoto, M.; Arasaki, T.; Arai, A.; Matsunaga, N.; Kawakita, H.
    "High sensitivity, wide coverage, and high-resolution NIR non-cryogenic spectrograph, WINERED"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99085Z 14 pp. (08/2016)

  7. Kamizuka, T.; Miyata, T.; Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Okada, K.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Mori, K.; Yamaguchi, J.; Asano, K.; Uchiyama, M.; Sakon, I.; Onaka, T.; Kataza, H.; Hasegawa, S.; Usui, F.; Takato, N.; Aoki, T.; Doi, M.; Kato, N. M.; Kitagawa, Y.; Kobayakawa, Y.; Kohno, K.; Konishi, M.; Minezaki, T.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Ohashi, H.; Soyano, T.; Takahashi, H.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabé, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Terao, Y.; Yoshii, Y.
    "Development status of the mid-infrared two-field camera and spectrograph MIMIZUKU for the TAO 6.5-m Telescope"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99083W 10 pp. (08/2016)

  8. Motohara, K.; Konishi, M.; Takahashi, H.; Kato, N. M.; Kitagawa, Y.; Kobayakawa, Y.; Terao, Y.; Ohashi, H.; Aoki, T.; Doi, M.; Kamizuka, T.; Kohno, K.; Minezaki, T.; Miyata, T.; Morokuma, T.; Mori, K.; Ohsawa, R.; Okada, K.; Sako, S.; Soyano, T.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabe, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tarusawa, K.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Koshida, S.; Asano, K.; Tateuchi, K.; Uchiyama, M.; Todo, S.; Yoshii, Y.
    "NIR camera and spectrograph SWIMS for TAO 6.5m telescope: overview and development status"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99083U 12 pp. (08/2016)

  9. Nakamura, T.; Miyata, T.; Sako, S.; Kamizuka, T.; Asano, K.; Uchiyama, M.; Okada, K.
    "A method for reducing atmospheric noise without chopping for ground-based mid-infrared observations"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99082U 9 pp. (08/2016)

  10. Mitsuda, K.; Hashiba, Y.; Minowa, Y.; Hayano, Y.; Sugai, H.; Shimono, A.; Matsubayashi, K.; Hattori, T.; Kamata, Y.; Ozaki, S.; Doi, M.; Sako, S.
    "CCD system upgrading of the Kyoto3DII and integral field spectroscopic observation with the new system"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99082M 13 pp. (08/2016)

  11. Sarugaku, Y.; Ikeda, Y.; Kaji, S.; Kobayashi, N.; Sukegawa, T.; Arasaki, T.; Kondo, S.; Nakanishi, K.; Yasui, C.; Kawakita, H.
    "Cryogenic performance of high-efficiency germanium immersion grating"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9906, id. 990637 4 pp. (08/2016)

  12. Okada, K.; Sako, S.; Miyata, T.; Kamizuka, T.; Ohsawa, R.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Mori, K.; Yamaguchi, J.; Asano, K.; Uchiyama, M.
    "Array controller system with cryogenic pre-amplifiers for MIMIZUKU"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9915, id. 991527 10 pp. (07/2016)

  13. Uchiyama, M. S.; Miyata, T.; Kamizuka, T.; Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Okada, K.; Mori, K.; Yamaguchi, J.; Asano, K.; Uchiyama, M.
    "Development of an optical device (Field Stacker) for achieving accurate photometry in ground-based mid-infrared observations"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9912, id. 99125N 11 pp. (07/2016)

  14. Mori, K.; Miyata, T.; Honda, M.; Kamizuka, T.; Takahashi, H.; Sako, S.; Ohsawa, R.; Okada, K.; Uchiyama, M. S.; Kataza, H.; Ohsaki, H.; Hiroe, T.; Packham, C.
    "Development of superconducting voice coil motor of a cold chopper for MICHI"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9912, id. 991218 8 pp. (07/2016)

  15. Kaji, S.; Sarugaku, Y.; Ikeda, Y.; Nakanishi, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, S.; Arasaki, T.; Kawakita, H.
    "Development of a cryogenic FTIR system for measuring very small attenuation coefficients of infrared materials"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9912, id. 99125Z 11 pp. (07/2016)

  16. Takahashi, H.; Yoshii, Y.; Doi, M.; Kohno, K.; Miyata, T.; Motohara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Minezaki, T.; Morokuma, T.; Sako, S.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabé, T.; Konishi, M.; Kamizuka, T.; Kato, N.; Aoki, T.; Soyano, T.; Tarusawa, K.
    "The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory 6.5m Telescope: design of mirror coating system and its performances"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9906, id. 99064Q 11 pp. (07/2016)

  17. Konishi, M.; Sako, S.; Uchida, T.; Araya, R.; Kim, K.; Yoshii, Y.; Doi, M.; Kohno, K.; Miyata, T.; Motohara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Minezaki, T.; Morokuma, T.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabé, T.; Kato, N.; Kamizuka, T.; Takahashi, H.; Aoki, T.; Soyano, T.; Tarusawa, K.
    "The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory 6.5m Telescope: enclosure design and wind analysis"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9906, id. 99062M 11 pp. (07/2016)

  18. Yoshii, Y.; Doi, M.; Kohno, K.; Miyata, T.; Motohara, K.; Kawara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Minezaki, T.; Sako, S.; Morokuma, T.; Tamura, Y.; Tanabe, T.; Takahashi, H.; Konishi, M.; Kamizuka, T.; Kato, N.; Aoki, T.; Soyano, T.; Tarusawa, K.; Handa, T.; Koshida, S.; Bronfman, L.; Ruiz, M. T.; Hamuy, M.; Garay, G.
    "The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory 6.5m telescope: project overview and current status"
    Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9906, id. 99060R 10 pp. (07/2016)

  19. Rubin, D.; Aldering, G. S.; Amanullah, R.; Barbary, K. H.; Bruce, A.; Chappell, G.; Currie, M.; Dawson, K. S.; Deustua, S. E.; Doi, M.; Fakhouri, H.; Fruchter, A. S.; Gibbons, R. A.; Goobar, A.; Hsiao, E.; Huang, X.; Ihara, Y.; Kim, A. G.; Knop, R. A.; Kowalski, M.; Krechmer, E.; Lidman, C.; Linder, E.; Meyers, J.; Morokuma, T.; Nordin, J.; Perlmutter, S.; Ripoche, P.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Rykoff, E. S.; Saunders, C.; Spadafora, A. L.; Suzuki, N.; Takanashi, N.; Yasuda, N.; Supernova Cosmology Project
    "The Union3 Supernova Ia Compilation"
    American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.139.18 (01/2016)

  20. Bono, G.; Braga, V. F.; Pietrinferni, A.; Magurno, D.; Dall'Ora, M.; Fiorentino, G.; Fukue, K.; Inno, L.; Marengo, M.; Bergemann, M.; Buonanno, R.; da Silva, R.; Fabrizio, M.; Ferraro, I.; Gilmozzi, R.; Iannicola, G.; Kausch, W.; Kobayashi, N.; Kovtyukh, V.; Lemasle, B.; Marconi, M.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P. M.; Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.; Matsunaga, N.; Monelli, M.; Neeley, J.; Nonino, M.; Proxauf, B.; Przybilla, N.; Romaniello, M.; Salaris, M.; Sneden, C.; Stetson, P. B.; Thévenin, F.; Tsujimoto, T.; Urbaneja, M.; Valenti, E.; Zoccali, M.
    "Classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars: similar, but not too much."
    Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.87, p.358 (00/2016)

