Summary of observations
- Observer: Ryou Ohsawa, Yuto Kojima, Tomoki Morokuma, Shigeyuki Sako(the University of Tokyo), Hiroki Onozato(Tohoku University),Seitaro Urakawa, Shin-ichiro Okumura(Japan spacegard association), Toshifumi Yanagisawa, and Makoto Yoshikawa(JAXA)
- Telescope: the 1.0-m Kiso Schmidt telescope in Nagano, Japan
- Instrument: the wide-field CMOS camera Tomo-e Gozen
- Date: 2017/10/11 11h40m36s, 12h04m36s (UT)
- FoV: 17 arcmin x 9.53 arcmin (a partial area of the frame), North is upside.
- Exposure time of each frame: 2 sec
- Frames: Consecutive 720 frames without a dead time due to read out
- Filter: No filter, Sensitive wavelength range is 400 -- 650nm.
- Center position of image: RA 22:42:10.0, Dec -07d23'9.9"
- movie data
movie (mp4, 362kB)
- Consecutive 720 frames with 2 sec each exposure
- Reproduction speed: x 200
- image data
image (png)
- Coadded image with an interval of 32 sec
- Date: 2017/10/10 12h56m32s, 13h56m32s (UT)
- FoV: 17 arcmin x 9.53 arcmin (a partial area of the frame), North is upside.
- Exposure time of each frame: 10 sec
- Frames: Consecutive 360 frames without a dead time due to read out
- Filter: No filter, Sensitive wavelength range is 400 -- 650nm.
- Center position of image: RA 22:53:16.5, Dec -04d04'40.8"
- movie data
movie (mp4, 33.5MB)
- Consecutive 360 frames with 10 sec each exposure
- Reproduction speed: x 200
- image data
image (png)
- Coadded image with an interval of 110 sec
- The shorter trail is that of 1999 DB1.
Image credit
- Kiso observatory, the University of Tokyo